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荷兰OKO公司(全名:Flexible Optical B.V.)成立于1997年,是世界上最早进行自适应光学产品研发和销售的公司之一。该公司的创始人正是微机械薄膜变形镜(MMDM)的发明人Gleb Vdovin博士。

OKO公司的主营产品是MMDM变形镜、PDM变形镜、Shack-Hartmann波前传感器等自适应光学器件。因为变形镜优良的光学性能、低廉的价格,一经推出就受到了全世界范围内自适应光学研究人员和用户的青睐。尤其是15 mm口径、37通道的MMDM最受欢迎,被称为”OKO Mirror”。



1. MMDM(微机械薄膜变形镜)

圆形镜面,口径:10/15/30/40/50 mm,执行器数量:1/17/37/39/59/79,中心最大形变量:10 um~30 um,可集成二维快反平台,表面承载激光功率:3W~1kW。线性镜面:尺寸:11*39mm,执行器数量:19/38,中心最大形变量:10 um,,可集成二维快反平台

2. PDM(压电陶瓷变形镜)

圆形,口径:30/50 mm,执行器数量:18/19/37/79/109,单执行器最大形变量:8um,可集成二维快反平台,表面最大承载激光功率:15 kW。线性,尺寸:11*55 um,执行器数量:20,单执行器最大形变量:8um,可集成二维快反平台

3. 驱动模块

a) 高压放大器,通道数:20/40,电压放大倍数:79,频率范围:0~1 kHz

b) 数模转换器,通道数:40,接口:USB/以太网,输出分辨率:16位,刷新速率:2.5 kHz(UDP)

4. 波前传感器

a) 微透镜阵列(排列:六边形/正交,间距:30 um~2200 um,焦距:0.04 mm~209 mm,光学填充率:99%)

b) 相机(帧率:20 fps~1500 fps,可根据用户需求定制选取)

5. Frontsurfer波前分析控制软件

a) Shack-Hartmann波前测量、波前重构、波前分析

b) 远场光斑仿真分析

c) 变形镜校准、实时闭环控制(闭环处理速度:20~1500 Hz)

6. 其他软件:

Zernike Commander:Zernike曲面模拟和可视化Still:湍流环境下的图像稳定、目标跟踪、多帧集成、多帧去卷积处理软件。BeamTuner:激光光斑优化软件LightPipes:光束传输仿真工具箱(可在Matlab,MathCAD环境下使用)ZemaDLL:Zemax环境下的动态链接库,可在Zemax环境下仿真MMDM, PDM等。MiZer:控制OKO变形镜产生Zernike形变。

7. 闭环自适应光学系统

主要包含:变形镜+驱动器+波前传感器+Frontsurfer闭环控制软件也可包含面包板及配套光学元件出厂校准闭环处理速度:20 Hz~1.5 kHz(取决于所选相机帧率)




在OKO公司网站(http://www.okotech.com/publications)和其产品手册(OKO Guide to Adaptive Optics)里还罗列了国际上使用OKO公司变形镜发表的大量学术论文和研究成果。其变形镜的产品质量和用户评价可见一斑!



1. 生物医学成像

Antonello, Jacopo, et al. "Optimization-based wavefront sensorless adaptive optics for multiphoton microscopy." JOSA A 31.6 (2014): 1337-1347.Van Werkhoven, T. I. M., et al. "Snapshot coherence-gated direct wavefront sensing for multi-photon microscopy." Optics express 22.8 (2014): 9715-9733.Popovic, Zoran, et al. "Dual conjugate adaptive optics prototype for wide field high resolution retinal imaging." Adaptive Optics Progress. InTechOpen, 2012.Niu, Saisai, et al. "High-resolution retinal imaging with micro adaptive optics system." Applied optics 50.22 (2011): 4365-4375.Bortoletto, Favio, et al. "Multiphoton fluorescence microscopy with GRIN objective aberration correction by low order adaptive optics." PloS one 6.7 (2011): e22321.Thaung, Jörgen, et al. "Dual-conjugate adaptive optics for wide-field high-resolution retinal imaging." Optics express 17.6 (2009): 4454-4467.Wright, A. J., et al. "Adaptive optics for enhanced signal in CARS microscopy." Optics express 15.26 (2007): 18209-18219.Merino, David, et al. "Adaptive optics enhanced simultaneous en-face optical coherence tomography and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy." Optics express 14.8 (2006): 3345-3353.Wright, Amanda J., et al. "Dynamic closed-loop system for focus tracking using a spatial light modulator and a deformable membrane mirror." Optics express 14.1 (2006): 222-228.Rueckel, Markus, Julia A. Mack-Bucher, and Winfried Denk. "Adaptive wavefront correction in two-photon microscopy using coherence-gated wavefront sensing." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103.46 (2006): 17137-17142.Albert, O., et al. "Smart microscope: an adaptive optics learning system for aberration correction in multiphoton confocal microscopy." Optics letters 25.1 (2000): 52-54.

2. 光学测量

Cheung, D. C. L., T. H. Barnes, and T. G. Haskell. "Feedback interferometry with membrane mirror for adaptive optics." Optics communications 218.1-3 (2003): 33-41.Czarske, Jürgen W., et al. "Smart laser interferometer with electrically tunable lenses for flow velocity measurements through disturbing interfaces." Photonics. Vol. 2. No. 1. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2015.Büttner, Lars, Christoph Leithold, and Jürgen Czarske. "Advancement of an Interferometric Flow Velocity Measurement Technique by Adaptive Optics." International Journal of Optomechatronics 8.1 (2014): 1-13.Büttner, Lars, Christoph Leithold, and Jürgen Czarske. "Interferometric velocity measurements through a fluctuating gas-liquid interface employing adaptive optics." Optics express 21.25 (2013): 30653-30663.

3. 高能激光与激光束整形

Vdovin, Gleb, and Vadim Kiyko. "Intracavity control of a 200-W continuous-wave Nd: YAG laser by a micromachined deformable mirror." Optics Letters 26.11 (2001): 798-800.Zeek, Erik, et al. "Adaptive pulse compression for transform-limited 15-fs high-energy pulse generation." Optics letters 25.8 (2000): 587-589.Hofmann, Oskar, et al. "Model-based analysis of highly dynamic laser beam shaping using deformable mirrors." Procedia CIRP 74 (2018): 602-606.Maxson, Jared, et al. "Adaptive electron beam shaping using a photoemission gun and spatial light modulator." Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 18.2 (2015): 023401.Garduño-Mejía, Jesus, Alan H. Greenaway, and Derryck T. Reid. "Programmable spectral phase control of femtosecond pulses by use of adaptive optics and real-time pulse measurement." JOSA B 21.4 (2004): 833-843.Garduño-Mejía, J., A. H. Greenaway, and D. T. Reid. "Designer femtosecond pulses using adaptive optics." Optics Express 11.17 (2003): 2030-2040.Armstrong, Michael R., et al. "Versatile 7-fs optical parametric pulse generation and compression by use of adaptive optics." Optics Letters 26.15 (2001): 1152-1154.Bartels, Randy, et al. "Shaped-pulse optimization of coherent emission of high-harmonic soft X-rays." Nature 406.6792 (2000): 164-166.Zeek, Erik, et al. "Pulse compression by use of deformable mirrors." Optics letters 24.7 (1999): 493-495.Druon, Frédéric, et al. "Wave-front correction of femtosecond terawatt lasers by deformable mirrors." Optics letters 23.13 (1998): 1043-1045.

4. 天文学观测

Loktev, Mikhail, et al. "Adaptive optics combined with computer post-processing for horizontal turbulent imaging." Real-Time Image and Video Processing 2012. Vol. 8437. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012.Loktev, Mikhail, et al. "Speckle imaging through turbulent atmosphere based on adaptable pupil segmentation." Optics letters 36.14 (2011): 2656-2658.Vdovin, Gleb, et al. "Imaging through turbulence with temporally and spatially multiplexed systems." Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XIV. Vol. 8178. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2011.Loktev, M., et al. "Experiments on speckle imaging using projection methods." Unconventional Imaging, Wavefront Sensing, and Adaptive Coded Aperture Imaging and Non-Imaging Sensor Systems. Vol. 8165. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2011.Keller, Christoph U., Claude Plymate, and S. Mark Ammons. "Low-cost solar adaptive optics in the infrared." Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics. Vol. 4853. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2003.










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